The snapmaker 3 in 1 3D printer came into existence about three years ago. A whole new experience was introduced to the work of homemakers who use detachable modules to covert between a 3D printer, a CNC carver, and a laser engraver. Moreover, it comes at a suitable price that gives you value to the last coin. If you're looking for a 3D printer that will turn your ideas into reality, then this is the machine for you. Below are a few tips that will help you make good use of your printer in the best way possible.
· Make sure you go through the user manual
As obvious as it sounds, several
people ignore going through manuals for various reasons. However, for a complex
commodity, it is essential to go through the manual as many times as possible
to understand how to use the product. Failure to which may lead to personal
injury or damage to the machine, which eventually leads to the production of
undesired results. When you carefully read through the manual, you will note
that the snapmaker enclosure is a vital element for safety.
· Use laser safety goggles
The laser module is a critical part of
this printer. Therefore, users should exercise a lot of caution and operate it
with sufficient knowledge. Laser safety goggles will help protect your eyes
from direct beams that may injure your eyesight. Be sure to use functional
goggles that will give full protection to your eyes. When you notice any damage
to your goggles, ensure that you replace them immediately as they may cause
harm to your eyes. It's also wise to apply the right criteria when cleaning
your goggles. To avoid scrapping them, use PH-neutral detergent and water.
· Use a safety mask
When operating the CNC module, it is
crucial to wear a safety mask. Moreover, you should not forget to use CNC
safety goggles. It's also important to note that one should not hold the
workpiece with bare hands. The CNC cuttings contain a discharge filled with
chemicals that may irritate your skin. Additional safety precautions should be
taken. Wearing an N-95 mask prevents exposure to such chemicals.
· Avoid exposing the machine to humid conditions
Humid temperatures can affect your
machine's life span and its overall performance. Having made such a huge
investment, it's essential to learn how to best take care of it. Curbing cold
weather is one way to ensure better performance. One way to go about this is to
store your supplies at room temperature.
I guarantee that the above tips will
make you get the most out of your 3d printer.
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